
At your service!

The festival is an initiative of the association À Cœur Joie, and is organized by a team of volunteers and professionals.

Festival management

President À Cœur Joie : Alain Louisot

Director : Côme Ferrand Cooper

General Coordinator: Bertrand Cabut

Musical Council

The artistic program is designed by the Musical Council of the association A Coeur Joie. For this edition, the following have contributed : Céline Morel, Anne-Marie Cabut, Mathilde Auger, Laetitia Toulouse, Christine Morel, Alain Louisot, Jean-Claude Wilkens et Côme Ferrand Cooper.

Coordination team

Bertrand Cabut, Pierre Pobel, Olivier Blanchoz, Olivier Clément, Cécile Chizelle-Labrosse, Corinne Birken, Côme Ferrand Cooper

Department managers

The 500 volunteers are placed under the responsibility of department heads and their assistants. Most of them are volunteers and dedicate their expertise, time and good mood to the success of the festival!

Estelle Baudet-Magnin, Gabriel Beauvallet-Bauchet, Michelle Blanchoz, Chantal Bonnet, Michel Bonnet, Audrey Bourbon, François Buchot, Clarisse Buchot, Ambroise Caspar-Fille-Lambie, Véronique Caspar-Fille-Lambie, Pascal Cauquil, Fabienne Cauquil, Laure Cedat, François Clair, Dominique Clément, Thérèse Clément, Adrien Crapanzano, Ludivine Debacq, Stéphanie Feugère, Chloé Garsault, Didier Gautherot, Lucie Grisonnet, Raphaël Jacquin, François Jennes, Pascal Meygret, Monique Mœrman, Stéphan Morschhauser, Laurent Mulet, Clara Muller, Sylvie Nody, Clément Perrier, Marie Béatrice Pottier, Philippe Pottier, Adrien Pottier, Sophie Raucoules, Didier Reversat, Hortense Rockenstrocly, Carole Sauce, Nicolas Thiébaut, Blandine Tricaud, Hervé Wallon.

À Coeur Joie Team

Clotilde Jenoudet-Henrion, Communication officer
Adeline Marconnet, Communication
Alice Migairou, Communication
Cécile Chizelle-Labrosse, Production
Anne-Marie Cabut, Production
Rémi Stach, Assistant Production
Matthieu Meinhard, Housing Department
Côme Ferrand Cooper, Direction
Marie Dubu, Development Officer, Chœur National des Jeunes
Corinne Birken, Accounting and management
Edwige Pollet, Accounting assistant
Gautier Lemoine, Director Éditions À Cœur Joie
Delphine Audibert, Production Éditions À Cœur Joie
Pascale Coupin, Sales department Éditions À Cœur Joie
Agnès Guedin, Accountant Éditions À Cœur Joie

“Les Passerelles”

24 Avenue Joannès Masset

CS51001 69258 Lyon cedex 09

+33 4 72 19 83 40 //

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