Choralies with a family

It’s not always easy to organise vacations with children and teenagers. Give them the Choralies experience! We’ve tried to make life easier for you, with adapted solutions and reduced rates for children.

Ateliers for the whole family

Whether your children already sing or not, they’ll be able to take part in the Choralies “like grown-ups”, with access to festival performances, evening and afternoon concerts, so you can live the Choralies experience as a family!

Young people under 26 receive a 50% discount on all festival fees!

Visit the “Ateliers” page to discover the “Junior Ateliers”. All of the adult ateliers are open to people aged 16 and over.

For ages 4-12 : L'Atelier Loisirs Enfants

The atelier offers a range of leisure activities (sports, art, music…) on a daily basis. It is reserved for children whose parents or legal guardians are registered as Choralists on the same days, enabling them to follow their own ateliers without worrying about childcare. Supervision will be provided by volunteers with extensive experience in managing children. Activities will be adapted to different age groups. Places are limited.

For ages 4-12: Les Après-Midi Juniors (Junior afternoons)

For children enrolled in a Junior atelier. Afternoon activities, games, sports or music. Registration on site, on a daily basis, with the staff and subject to availability.

For ages 8-17: Junior Ateliers

The “Ateliers Juniors” are long ateliers, requiring 8-day registration. The pace of rehearsals is the same as for adult ateliers. The young person undertakes to respect the daily schedule.