
Van Laethem

In 2009, Emilie Van Laethem earned her Master’s degree in vocal performance as well as her teaching qualification from IMEP (Namur, Belgium). Alongside her classical training, she also pursued a course in ‘French song interpretation’ at the Ateliers de la Chanson. Emilie has performed as a singer in various repertoires, including with the groups A Fleur de Mau and Kava-Kava.

With a passion for teaching, Emilie naturally turned to vocal education after her studies, particularly focusing on ensemble singing, a true passion since childhood. She has taught in music academies, co-directed the choir Les Motivés with Olivier Bilquin, and led choral workshops in schools. Always eager for new projects, in 2016, she co-founded the children’s choir Les Clac’Sons with Arianne Plangar.

