
Discovery (3 days, no final concert)


Unlock the mysteries of Gregorian chant

A laid-back exploration of the world of Gregorian chant: discover the hidden secrets of modes, sequences, responsories and more.

Unlock the mysteries of Gregorian chant

Gregorian chant isn’t just ancient history – it’s a living tradition that has been evolving for over a thousand years. Originally created for Christian liturgy, it has adapted and transformed across centuries. In this atelier, you’ll explore aspects of Gregorian chant through hands-on practice: the modes and scales, the different styles (like introits, hymns, sequences, psalms and responsories) as well as their close connection to the texts.


Subject to changes

  • Séquence : Veni sancte spiritu (dimanche de Pentecôte) Mode de Ré
  • Psaume 14 : Domine, quis habitabit in tabernaculo (liturgie des défunts) Mode de Mi
  • Introït : Cantate domino (Temps de Pâques) Mode de Fa
  • Alleluia candor est lucis aeterne (Propre des saints : 6 août) Mode de Sol



Jérémie Couleau has a deep passion for polyphony and is a member of the Musica Nova, Scandicus and Non Pareilhe ensembles. He also collaborates with other well-known music groups from time to time. He performs at major festivals and has sung on many critically acclaimed recordings. Jérémie’s dedication to interpreting early music naturally led him to serve as the musical director of Scandicus. He held this role for ten years before eventually founding La Quintina in 2019. Alongside his singing career, Jérémie is a qualified music professor with a doctorate in musicology. His academic journey has made him think deeply about how to revive and pass down medieval and Renaissance music. Jérémie teaches at both secondary school and university levels, runs workshops for amateur and professional singers, and often participates in music history conferences.

Start and End Dates :




Level :


Voicing :

Mixed voices

Language :


Country of the conductor :

Preparation :

Without preparation

Discovery (3 days, no final concert)