T02 Voix-Vibration et YOGA

Avec Eric Folliet (France)

August 4th to 6th, 2022


Easy level

Language spoken by the conductor: Français

Preparation in advance:Oui

Everything is energy. Everything is vibration. Through a simple practice of yoga postures, the voice will be a pretext for a journey towards a refined perception of the vibratory dimension of the body.
The harmonization of the breath with the displacement of the thought in a resonant and singing body will lead us towards the pleasure of vibration and a more conscious letting go.

Eric Folliet graduated from the CNSM of Lyon as lyric singer. He teaches singing and directs equal voice choirs in the Lyon region. In 2011, with the choir “Féminin Pluri-Elles”, he won 4 prizes at the « Rencontres nationales du Florilège de Tours ».
A yoga practitioner since his youth, he joined yoga teacher training schools in 1984 with Roger Clerc, then in 2011 with Boris Tatzki. For the past ten years, he has been happily contributing to the transmission of a “yoga of energy” in which the control of the breath associated with the movement of the mind invites more interiority and self-knowledge. A yoga adjusted and accessible to all.

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