
Junior 8 to 17 (8 days)


Fly | Juniors Atelier 12 to 17 years old

An atelier where song, movement and expression will give you wings to soar!

Fly | Juniors Atelier 12 to 17 years old

When I sing, I feel free. Free as a bird, free as if I could fly. Imagine yourself soaring through the air, unrestricted and weightless.

Through a repertoire themed around flying and the air, we will delve into the boundless freedom that music offers.
In this workshop, we’ll dive into a wide range of songs and styles. On stage, we transcend limitations, finding freedom in our voices, movements, and expressions.


Subject to changes

  • Let me fly / Kirby Shaw
  • Storm Bird / Luke Byrne
  • Bee! / Mirjam de Wit
  • Volare / Domenico Modugno
  • Flight / Craig Carnelia / arr Ryan Muyrphy
  • Sansa Kroma / trad Ghana
  • Shall we dream / Michael Atherton



Tom Johnson is a violinist and choral conductor. For him, singing is one of the most accessible forms of making music. Tom reaches out to all groups in society: children and adults, choirs and schools, professionals and beginners. He hopes everyone can experience the joy of singing together. To start with the basics Tom often sings with children in schools. He is the artistic leader of Zuidgeluid, and conductor in the OpMaatOrkest. Two projects that use singing as way to connect throughout society. Also in his work with choirs he is regularly invited as an atelier or open singing leader in Belgium and abroad.

Start and End Dates :




Level :


Voicing :

Equal voices

Language :


Country of the conductor :

Preparation :

Without preparation

Junior 8 to 17 (8 days)

Atelier concert during festival